Thursday, August 6, 2009

our trip

Over the last few days we have been confined to the inside of our van.
We drove through 4 provinces, from British Columbia to Manitoba, a mere 26 hours
The girls did well! Since I was busy driving, my niece took pictures.

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crochetgurl said...


Aww, is that a little fawn? I remember last year when I went to Vancouver...the people there drove at really high speeds. And it's funny to see speed limits in km/hr.

Stephanie said...

Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun this summer! Your niece must really enjoy this time spent with you, and all the neat things she gets to do, so fun!

Kristyn Knits said...

and I thought our trip from michigan to florida was long! yikes that's a long time driving! glad you arrived safely.

mmichele said...

Wow! Am I going to get to see you?!

Rebekah said...

looks like a fun trip! I would love to explore Vancouver and western Canada someday

Laura said...

Wow! What a long drive! It looks like everyone is having a great time.

Renee said...

Great road trip!

Larissa said...

that's a lot of driving! your girls are adorable - and patient!