after i ripped apart the first mitt there was no regrets though
when i started thrumming, i was kind of flying by the seat of my pants
i didn't really know what i was doing, plus i hadn't knit mitts before
it landed up the first mitt was too small and bulky
so i reworked the whole pile of thrums from one mitt (which took 3 hours...sigh!)
and in the end they almost completed two mittens!
i am thrilled with the way they turned out
they have been on their maiden voyage today
and performed their job beautifully
i have already been asked if i would commission a pair this ends any projects for me for a while
i have a few people that i need to get busy creating for
some of you know who you are!
this weekend i want to start on a scrappy quilt for our violin teacher
and my needles already have their eyes on another project